What We Do
Since 2012, Dr. Greene has worked with students, families, and schools as a school psychologist motivated to inspire and lead change at both a micro as well as macro/systems based-level.
My Mission
Dr. Greene aims to provide students (as well as families and schools) information about oneself. This information is obtained via assessments, research and, most importantly, dialogue. It is Dr. Greene’s goal for students to obtain “knowledge of self” through a combination of quantitative (numerical) as well as qualitative (narrative) data. Through this process, Dr. Greene aims to help students understand both their strengths as well as areas for potential growth. In the end, it is Dr. Greene’s hope that students are able to take ownership of their story in order to truly become culturally diverse, globally engaged citizens.
About Me
From Sacramento, to Shanghai (China), and back again, Dr. Greene has worked with families across a variety of educational settings and socio-economic backgrounds. With familial roots planted both within Sacramento County as well as Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Dr. Greene vision and being has been cultivated by the experiences he has been through as a Black American school psychologist. In his free time, Dr. Greene is also an accomplished poet/storyteller.
How We Get There
Psychological-Educational evaluations focused on various cognitive abilities and processes which can, in turn, impact academic achievement (i.e., specific learning disabilities/disorders).
Social-Emotional work centered on one’s narrative that is enriched by positive/strength-based approaches.
Consultation/advocacy in support of students and their families in regard to school-based IEP/504 team meetings.